about 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 04:21:39 AM
[ENG] A new adventure is waiting for you.
We are pleased to share with you a brief synopsis of the new adventure module that will be added to the Adventurer's Book (digital and physical reward)
The Buried City of Banormaa runs through the underground for miles. Buried for centuries, it remained hidden from human sight. It is said that deep in the earth, the disciples of the Mother of Bones keep a precious secret.
Will you be able to find its access and shed some light on its secret?
[ITA] Una nuova avventura vi aspetta.
Abbiamo il piacere di condividere con voi una breve sinossi dell'avventura che sarà aggiunta nell'Almanacco dell'Avventuriero (sia nella versione digitale che in quella stampata):
La Città Sepolta di Banormaa si snoda sottoterra per miglia, celata agli occhi del mondo. Si dice che nelle sue viscere i seguaci della Madre delle Ossa custodiscano un antico segreto.
Riuscirete a trovare l'accesso e a fare chiarezza?
2022.09.26 - Progress on Printing and "OST Expanded" stretch goal
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 11:09:34 AM
Bookbinding and printing test
The Kelios team thought it was a nice touch sharing with you some pictures of the Corebook prototypes we received few months ago. The scope was to test the bookbinding, the hardcover finishing, the quality of the printing as well as the paper texture.
Our pictures are intentionally taken with a simple mobile camera, no special effects, no photoshop retouch, no special environment as we believe simplicity can help you appreciate the quality of the art of it in its purest form.
N.B. Please appreciate that we printed the Italian version, but we will soon share with you some pages of the English work as well.
Soundtrack Expansion
As we unlocked the "OST expanded" stretch goal, we are already collaborating with our partner Sonor Village to define the style of the new songs and how to drive the superb sound that we are looking for. Our desire is to share 1 new sample of the new work within 7-10 days, so yes even before the KS campaign is concluded!
If you are curious as we usually are for any new project, we invite you to listen to the KELIOS: the prophecy OST samples on YouTube.
First stretch goal unlocked!
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 03:12:42 AM
THE FIRST STRETCH GOAL IS UNLOCKED! We are so happy that we decided not 1, not 2, but 3 new extra original tracks will enrich the “KELIOS: the prophecy“ setting.
75 times thank you!
Siamo cosi felici che abbiamo deciso che non 1, non 2, ma ben 3 nuove tracce arricchiranno la colonna sonora orginale di KELIOS: the prophecy.
75 volte grazie e... continuiamo cosi'